
Showing posts from October, 2016

The Scottish Parliament has a majority mandate for indyref 2

I fundamentally believe that neither Theresa May or Nicola Sturgeon want another independence referendum right now. The trouble is, to shore up their votes, they are playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette.  It's in May's interests to have a strong SNP presence in the UK. It snookers the Labour Party  whilst helping to drive English voters  (according to Pete Wishart) to the Tories. Sturgeon on the other hand needs the prospect of a further independence referendum to keep her rank and file on the boil. Imagine, for example, her supporters started to look at the SNP's l ess than left wing policy agenda.  Ideally both sides need the prospect of an independence referendum without the downside of actually having one. Unfortunately such balancing acts usually end up collapsing in on one another , so it's quite possible we could stumble into one.   The case for a referendum will be a mix of legal and moral questions.  A legal referendum The first obvious point