
Showing posts from January, 2017

Hail Mary

Hail Mary I've no idea if the "Hail Mary" play is still a thing in American Football, I only know it from my days playing a game on my ZX spectrum where you could call the plays for the team. The Hail Mary (or "Bomb" in the game) was the last desperate play of a game. You throw all caution to the wind, push all your players into the end zone and throw the ball as far as you can, praying (hence the name) one of your own team will catch it. It's desperate and dramatic, but hey when you are down you might as well go out with a bang rather than a whimper. I witnessed a Hail Mary on Wednesday on STV. Kevin Hague (a successful businessman, entrepreneur and unionist blogger) was debating with Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp (the CEO of a social media agency and "Business" for Scotland). You can watch the full clip here or the youtube version here . Kemp versus Hague I won't go into the debate itself, Kevin was measured and got the essential unionist

The fundamental pensions error at the heart of the Wee Blue Book

Stu Campbell has a problem. And it's a big one. It's all to do with one of his biggest assertions in the Wee Blue Book . His bible has been comprehensively shredded by Kevin Hague  and indeed I helped out in a guest post on his blog covering all his errors on pensions. Additionally I also covered a more general point about pensions in detail in this blog here .  Rather annoyingly, I didn't bring up Campbell's biggest issue on pensions, an assertion that is quite obvious from his actions that he knew to be wrong. Campbell was on twitter only yesterday - at the time of writing - (7th of January) crowing about how no one can ever find him having lied. When anyone dared to point out  an error he just dismissed them then shortly afterwards, and rather bizarrely, unilaterally declared himself the winner.  It's all a testament to the very messed up state of Scottish politics and the echo chamber of Twitter.  The trouble for Campbell however is that he has no choice on