
Showing posts from May, 2018

The genius of Andrew Wilson - Devolution Works!

It's fair to say that, at first, I was confused by the SNP Growth Commission report. I've met Andrew Wilson and,  as I think anyone who has met him will tell you, you come away impressed with a thoughtful and sincere thinker.  So I was unsettled on Thursday night when the leaks were pointing to the Commission recommending the only currency option specifically ruled out by their forerunner The Fiscal Commission Working Group.  I'll deal with Sterligisation later (although I've already blogged on it here ).  This confusion created a fog that took quite a while to lift but when it did it all became clear.  Peeling the onion Wilson had the task of writing a report that would deal directly with a plan for independence (it was an SNP commission after all), whilst at the same time setting out policies that can enable the Scottish economy to grow (the clue was in the title). Many have viewed these objectives as one and read the reports as a single document, but that