
Showing posts from July, 2018

Polling update : Andrew Wilson drops objectivity once again

The latest Survation poll certainly brings cheer for the SNP with a strong swing to them. However it would be a mistake to take this as a swing towards support for independence.  There is a distinct difference between SNP supporters and independence supporters, sure the Venn Diagram would show a considerable overlap between the two but it does not follow that they support independence. I'm a good example of an SNP minded voter (no I've never been a SNP member despite some of the latest myths I see floating about) who doesn't support independence.  Indeed it is arguable that Andrew Wilson's Growth Commission report was all about persuading people like me, who are passionate about devolution and not put off voting SNP to consider shifting my support towards independence. However the effect was the opposite; it shifted me more towards enhancing devolution, but I'm not entirely sure that wasn't t he real strategy  of the report in any case.  Sadly of cou