
Showing posts from July, 2023

Gamechanger, how to immediately end the child cap and rape clause in Scotland

It's been really frustrating of late listening to the SNP lament the UK Labour party for refusing to end the two-child cap and rape clause at a UK level. But it was refreshing to see Sky News at least put the same question to the party leadership: "Why don't you do something about it then?" The answer from Flynn was enlightening; basically, they would if WM (Westminster) gave them the money. In the past, they seem to hold two simultaneous and contradictory positions. First, the powers existed to end the child cap, an untruth repeatedly told by anti-rape clause campaigner Alison Thewliss , as well as the former First Minister, who, in my opinion, knowingly misled Parliament by saying, "First, let us be clear about the fact that the Scottish Government cannot abolish the two-child cap or the rape clause. We do not have the legal power to do so." The second is that they could do something about it, but they don't want to let the Tories ' off the hook