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The Wee Black Book - Pink edition

Wings has a habit of publishing dodgy books. 

The Wee Blue Book is a great example of the sort of skewed logic, errors and downright lies that this ultra wing of the nationalist movement is capable of.

However these books come with a flurry of crowdfunding as the useful idiots provide a cash injection into Stuart Campbell's Wings project. 

The latest edition of is the Wee Black Book,  an attempt by the Wings team to try and unsubtly argue that No voters were betrayed by Better Together. As ever the book is light on substance and seems to think that picture and newspaper grabs will make points all on their own. However substance is either ignored (the Scottish deficit) or when it is tackled on the big issues such as currency or pensions the book is just an embarrassment showing that the Wings team really do not understand the topics that they are debating. 

With that in mind I've added some crib notes to the Wee Black Book in this pink edition (with the help of some friends on other topics) which show that yet again the Wee Book project from Wings seems more about crowdfunding rather than actually putting forward coherent arguments. 

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