
Showing posts from February, 2017

Polling update : A yes movement divided?

Another poll out today from PanelBase (and sponsored by Campbell), this confirms the pattern seen over the past few weeks that with the yes movement stuck on their slow downward trend and giving more weight to John Curtis’ suspicion that the Times' last Panelbase poll was a statistical blip. So it’s less of Salmond’s Game On and more part of a pattern of waning enthusiasm for the independence movement. All the data is from whatscotlandthinks and takes the mean average of each poll in each month (where they exist), the trend line is a straight line regression line of best fit Saying that the 6 point poly trend does show a small bounce back in the yes movement, however that may be because the PanelBase polls which have dominated in frequency of late tend to give a stronger yes signal by focussing on likely voters. Time will tell if there has been a small swing back to the yes movement. Of some interest however is Campbell’s cutting of the figures later on in the poll (q23) to