Now is not the time, for now the Scots agree

"Now is not the time" according to May, for a second independence referendum. This was regarded by some in the SNP as a gift that they could use to their advantage:

See how Westminster is is denying democracy for Scotland, 
See how they are overruling the "will" of the Scottish Parliament etc.
It can only increase the support for independence. 

As usual these threats of a dramatic change in support for independence were hope over reality as the latest crop of polls show.

We remain largely on trend across the board and spot on trend when it comes to the log line of best fit. This implies a slight narrowing of the polls that we have already seen and is nothing new. For now then, it would seem 'now is not the time' for most Scots.

We've a new YouGov poll late in the month so I've updated the charts, it makes a subtle difference to the long term log trend which does basically shows that views of independence have remained very stable since September last year.


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