
Showing posts from November, 2023

Not in our backyard! 'Building a new Scotland'

The Scottish Government has finally published its long awaited immigration paper titled Building a new Scotland , suffice to say my hopes weren't high and my low expectations were met in full.  I've been banging on about demographics and immigration for a long time now and I did hope that somehow the Scottish Government would confront this issue with this paper. But they've ducked it all as usual, creating a puff piece that they hope no one will read critically.  Let's start with the positives, such as they are. The paper  outlines the same old apple pie of a more prosperous, fair and sustainable country after independence. It  recognises  the key theme that there is a need for a more open and welcoming immigration policy that reflects Scotland’s interests. It also argues that this would also reflect Scottish values, but more on that a little later.  The document argues that immigration is essential for Scotland’s economic growth (it is), demographic balance (absolutely